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INA LAC Business Forum 2023 Meeting for Economic Cooperation and Investment Opportunities

Para peserta INA LAC Business Forum, termasuk Pahala Mansyuri, Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri, dan Shinta W. Kamdani, Koordinator Wakil Ketua Umum Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman, Investasi, dan Luar Negeri dari KADIN Indonesia, dan sejumlah tamu lainnya melakukan foto bersama.
The INA LAC Business Forum participants, including Pahala Mansyuri, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Shinta W. Kamdani, Coordinator of the Deputy General Chairperson for Maritime, Investment and Foreign Affairs from KADIN Indonesia, and a number of other guests took a group photo.

Jakarta, 18 October 2023, In order to strengthen good relations and maintain opportunities for economic cooperation in foreign markets, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia again held the Indonesia – Latin America and The Carribean (INA LAC) Business Forum at the Ritz Carlton, Jakarta, which lasts for 2 days, Monday – Tuesday, (16 -17/10/2023). which has been implemented since 2019.

INA - LAC Business Forum is an effective means of strengthening relations including the business sector between Indonesia and the Latin American and Caribbean regions through business meeting facilities aimed at generating concrete prospective market transactions and investment opportunities.

Furniture/home decor is one of the focus sectors at INA-LAC 2023 alongside automotive equipment and pharmaceuticals or the pharmaceutical sector which is prioritized. Therefore, HIMKI as an association organization in the furniture and crafts industry is taking a role in INA LAC 2023 which is in line with the sector focus of INA LAC.

The INA LAC meeting was opened by Pahala Mansyuri, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. On that occasion, Pahala also said that the upcoming INA LAC 2024 would be held in the city of Lima, Peru, taking advantage of the momentum of holding the APEC Summit.

According to the Deputy Minister, the implementation of the 2022 INA-LAC Business Forum achieved various positive results. "(The 2022 INA LAC meeting) was attended by around 500 participants, with transactions worth USD 16.57 million and potential transactions of up to USD 162.48 million," explained the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Pahala Mansury, in his speech.

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said that INA-LAC consistently strengthens partnerships between the two regions, especially interaction and connectivity between business actors, in accordance with the theme "Forging an Effective Partnership."

As a concrete form of strengthening relations, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs proposed establishing the INA-LAC Forum which consists of three pillars: Economic, Socio-Cultural and Strategic Issues which focus on various important aspects in relations between the two regions such as food security, critical minerals, climate change and discrimination. trading.

On the first day of the opening, an MoU on cooperation was signed between KADIN Indonesia and the Mexican Chamber of Commerce (COMCE), as well as the handover of an MoU on cooperation between BPOM and the Mexican Federal Commission for Protection from Sanitation Risks (COFEPRIS) which was signed circularly by BPOM.

INA-LAC Business Forum 2023 focuses on three main sectors, namely furniture/home decor, automotive spare parts and health products. The various activities include business matching, business pitching, panel discussions, and The 2nd Assembly of the INA-LAC Business Network which will be held on October 17.

It is recorded that 47 business people from 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will participate in the INA-LAC Business Forum 2023 directly. Apart from that, the activity was also attended by Indonesian businessmen, government representatives, academics and business associations.

INA-LAC 2023 will also facilitate collaboration and networking of business institutions in both regions through The 2nd Assembly of the INA-LAC Business Network. This forum is a collaboration forum between KADIN Indonesia and business associations from Latin America and the Caribbean which was formed in 2021. In addition, to discuss global challenges that are relevant for both regions, there are panel discussions with the themes "Fostering Food Security and Long-term Sustainability" and "Post-Pandemic Logistics Solutions."

A number of HIMKI administrators were present at the INA LAC forum this time, namely Bambang Wijaya, Deputy Chair for SME and Entrepreneurship Development, Marthunus Fahrizal, Chair for Relations between International Institutions, and Edmund Parengkuan, Chair of the DPD HIMKI DKI Jabodetabek.

On the second day of INA LAC, the meeting was divided into two forums. The first is the INA LAC Business Forum with the theme "forging and effective partnerships". The second forum is a Business Pitching activity which provides valuable opportunities for companies from Indonesia, Latin America and the Caribbean to present their business ideas to potential investors and potential business partners. This activity was attended by 43 companies from multi products. Meanwhile, the furniture sector was attended by several HIMKI members such as PT Dekor Asia Jayakarta, PT Kunci Timur, PT Integra Indocabinet, and CV Mebel Internasional. (RK)

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